Friday, May 8, 2020

Spring, Birds and a Bit of a Rant...

I've always loved Spring despite the ups and downs we get with the weather here.  We've had sporadic sunny days and a good portion of rainy, stormy days as usual.  A few weeks ago we had our usual short Spring snowfall and tomorrow night we are supposed to get a hard freeze.  Overall, it has been nice and we have even started to welcome the Spring and Summer birds back.  I was finally able to get our hummingbird feeder out which always makes me happy.  I try to wait for any freezes to be past us before I put it out.  They must have been waiting because it was not out ten minutes before the hummingbirds started coming to it!  We have it hanging on our deck in front of the glass door so our cats can watch it.  Sophie, our female cat, loves those hummingbirds so much and talks to them whenever they show up.  I have not been able to get any hummingbird pictures yet but I did get a few pictures of some other birds.  These were taken with my phone so they are not the best quality of pictures.  I have tried to identify them but I could be wrong.  If I am incorrect, I welcome any identification anyone can offer ! 

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak



This isolation is starting to wear on me as I am sure it is with others too.  Our state has started opening up in some areas but not yet in the county where I live.  We start phase one Monday so I guess we will see how it goes.  One thing I have noticed lately is that there now seems to be two kinds of people.  One kind wears masks when in public, stays home and tries to follow the recommendations of the CDC and the medical community.  The other kind seems to think the first kind of people have either imagined Covid-19 or they are blindly following scaremongers and the press.  This is extremely frustrating to me.  I do know you can not believe everything you hear on the news and there are always going to be people that make things sound worse than they are in reality.  But come on, there are over a million cases just in the U.S. and there are almost 10,000 cases in the state where I live.  If nothing else you should have respect for those that have died and for their families.  

Okay, that's my rant.  Thanks for listening.  I hope everyone is healthy and enjoying the improving weather and whatever beautiful birds and wildlife you have where you live.  If you've taken the time to read this - I appreciate you for being here.  


  1. Common sense, and consideration, not only for one's own self, but for others must prevail. This, I feel sure, is one of those times to err on the side of caution is the best thing to do.

    I know I don't want to fall ill...and I don't want others to, either. I'm pretty much a hermit at all nothing has changed in my day to day, week to week habits. (I'm probably repeating myself...that hasn't changed, either it would appear!) :)

    We don't get hummingbirds sweet they are. We do have a varied range of birds, naturally...and I love them all.

    Keep taking good care, Bonnie. :)

    1. You are right Lee, common sense and consideration are important, especially in times like this. I would have thought you had hummingbirds there. You taught me something new. Take care Lee!

  2. Hi there - just blog-hopping, and wanted to say I love the colourful birds you have at your feeders and also, here in the UK we have the same social split exactly - those who are terrified of the virus and stay at home and be sensible and those who think they are bloomin' immune!

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by! We get a larger variety of birds here in the Spring and Summer. I think the social split on opinions about the virus just makes the difficulties worse for everyone.

  3. I agree with Bovey Belle about the colours - our birds are mainly black and brown.

    1. Except for cardinals, most of our Winter birds are black and brown as well. That is what I love about Spring and Summer, we get a much greater variety of birds including some colorful ones.

  4. Our governor (NJ) has just yesterday extended the emergency restrictions for another month, determined to get reduction in cases before opening. He has reopened the parks but threatens to close again if distancing is not observed. The isolation gets tedious, but when you consider the alternative, not so bad after all.

    1. Your governor sounds wise. It would be awful to have the restrictions lifted only to have them then restored for an even longer time period. A little patience can be worthwhile if we want things to stay open.

  5. I love the bird pictures. I find that listening only to the official Briefings is a way to stress free understanding. I interpret the Briefings myself without the media spin and work out what is required of me. Our media stir up trouble where trouble does not exist and then blame everybody else. They also have alternative briefings that they broadcast as if they are official, when of course they are merely speculating and trying to second guess. It leads to distress for those who listen and causes unnecessary conflict in their heads.

    1. Yes - it is the unnecessary conflict that makes a bad situation much worse! I agree, the news reports and media spin causes many problems. Here it has become difficult to know what is official and believable other than the CDC and the WHO. Thanks Rachel.xx

  6. In MD with the same situation as you describe, but much higher numbers (30k cases; 1500+ deaths). My DH is essential but works with folks who believe only what Fox has to say. He and one other person are the only ones wearing a mask at work. Considering that the other fellow is a transplant recipient, you'd think the others would be more cautious. But no. They aren't. Couldn't care less and that includes his own brother. So I am entirely with you on the rant.

    On a lighter note, our bird feeders have been busy, too. Hummingbirds, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Brown Thrashers, Cardinals galore, variety of woodpeckers, nuthatches to name just some of the variety. Very recently an Indigo Bunting and a Blue Grosbeak showed up. Having to fill the feeders every few days.

    1. I am sorry to hear your DH and his friend have to work with inconsiderate people like that. That is really inexcusable to be willing to risk exposing others that are already at a high risk.

      This is a wonderful time of the year to watch the birds at the feeders isn't it? A few days ago I saw an Indigo Bunting but did not get a picture and I have not seen another one since then. They are beautiful birds!

  7. They should also have respect for front line workers who have to treat people.

    1. You are absolutely right Red! I failed to mention that and it is very important. We would really be in a mess without them!

  8. I know what you mean! We are still wearing masks and staying at home regardless of whether ND is opening up or not. Totally believe it to too soon.

    1. You are right Rita. We have to use common sense regardless of what others are doing. Take care!

  9. I think those are great pics, specially for being taken with your phone. Our state is supposed to slowly open up. Most people wear masks...I have a time with mine sometimes fogging up my glasses, but it seems to go away if I just keep it on.

    1. I have trouble with my glasses fogging up too. If I can get the top edge of the mask under the bottom rim of my glasses it seems to help.

  10. Hi Bonnie! I'm sorry that you're struggling today. Here's to much better day for you tomorrow. I work from home anyway and Tim goes to work still, so not a lot has changed here. But this past week I was able to hit Aldi and that was a lot of fun. Even got a few new ingredients to play with. Are there any new ingredients for you to play with? Anything new to try at home?

    1. I know you are a super cook so I bet it is fun for you to find some new ingredients. I'm not the best cook but I do have a lot of different hobbies to spend time on here at home.

  11. I am completely with Lee - common sense and consideration. Sadly, both are lacking in so many people, and not just when it comes to the current situation. I could go off on a much longer rant than your very polite one here!
    The goldfinch is so pretty - of course it helps that yellow is my favourite colour.
    O.K. and I have been on several walks and hikes this week and have seen deer, a snake, many birds of prey (buzzards here, with a few kestrels every now and then), and of course the birds most common in this area (blackbirds, sparrows, tits, magpies, crows and doves). On yesterday's woodland hike, a large brown-grey very fluffy mouse ran across my path less than two steps away. I like mice (just don't want them in the house).

    1. Yes - common sense and consideration both go a long ways these days. I am so happy to hear you are having a good time and getting lots of enjoyable walks in with O.K. I've been thinking about you and hoping you were having a good holiday. I agree about the fluffy mouse - they are cute outdoors but I don't want them in the house either!

  12. I agree entirely and personally am cautious, following the rules.. social distancing, mask and gloves. In MA we seem to have hot spots and now more testing is being done in hot spots. Self isolation is recommended for those testing positive. Tracing is also being done to identify people that were in contact with the individuals testing positive. They are told to also self isolate. I hear many people have no symptoms but are infecting others. Until we have a vaccine this virus is going to cause havoc. Susan

    1. Hi Susan, it is good to see you here. It sounds like your state is doing a lot of smart things to try and keep the number of cases down. I have heard how many people can carry this virus but not be sick themselves. That is the main reason we all have to be careful but unfortunately not everyone sees it that way. Those of us that are older or have certain health problems have to be extra careful since not all others follow safe practices. You are right, this will be here until we have a vaccine. Thanks for visiting.

  13. Love your birds. We do not get Grosbeaks here, and I have not yet seen a gold goldfinch.
    I am sorry so many refuse to follow common sense. I hope the coming wave does convince them.

    1. It's interesting, we have been getting a larger variety of birds here in recent years.

      I am afraid you may be right, that many will only be convinced by the second wave of the virus. I'm afraid this may be what happens when you have an "instant gratification" generation. Many people do not understand patience.

  14. The birds are so colorful and beautiful. You know, it's the same here...lots of folks wearing masks and gloves and obeying the rules, then there are others, like a neighbor of ours, who thinks there is nothing to worry about. Her latest eomment to me was, she is more worried about catching something from a mosquito bite than from this virus. Kinda scary!

    1. It is scary Henny! I'm afraid some don't realize that having a little patience now would make things better later. I do love the variety of birds we get in the Spring and Summer. You get more cardinals than I have ever seen in one place!

  15. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of the hummingbirds. I may not like wearing a mask but I could also get others sick and that is why I am choosing to wear one. Common sense doesn't seem to be so common.

    1. Hummingbird pictures can be difficult to get but they sure are fun to watch. Sometimes they will dive bomb one another fighting over the food.

    2. They are indeed fun to watch.

  16. I saw a Hummingbird Today spend quite a lot of time at my flowering hedge which has tons of Blooms for them to feed on. It's a Verbena and I know Hummingbirds seem to be drawn more to Red blooms than any other color... this Verbena has about 5 Colors of blooms and sure enough, it hit all the Red ones and seemed to ignore the Yellow, Pink, Salmon and Multicolored blooms, which is interesting... mebbe they taste different? As for your Rant, it is justified, it angers me that some are not taking this seriously and will likely be the Undoing of all the sacrificial containment of spread we've been able to manage. Perhaps Natural Selection will thin that herd, but sadly, they will infect many others with their ignorance and cavalier attitude about the Pandemic... and that Angers me too!

    1. That is interesting that the hummingbirds just went for the red. I do know they prefer red but I do not add food coloring to the food I make for them. I don't think food color would be good for them and our feeder has red on it.

      Many people don't realize that we wear a mask to protect others, not ourselves.

  17. Birdfeeders are a great way to see birds that wouldn't otherwise visit. I enjoyed my winter of feeding the birds but had to stop in the spring. Here we are strongly discouraged from keeping feeders out once the snow is gone it leads to spread of disease among certain birds, particularly finches. I was thinking of this recently and comparing it in my mind to the coronavirus. Poor birds don't know it but they can catch disease from the simple act of eating. We can catch this virus from the simple act of being within arms length of a carrier. But people should know better, and do better.

    1. I did not know that. Thank you for telling me. I have heard that you should not feed them suet in the summer because it goes bad in warm weather. We have a nature center locally that feeds the birds year round but maybe they have a special food or something. I sure don't want to hurt the birds!

    2. Oh dear, when I re-read my comment, my last sentence certainly wasn't clear - I meant people know about COVID-19 and we should be better about not mingling!! I hope you interpreted that the way I meant it :)

      The respiratory disease may not be an issue in your region. So it may be fine to have your feeders out. Maybe a government department for your municipality or state would know. Here our province's Department of Lands and Forests looks after that kind of information. Your nature center might be knowledgeable about this too.

    3. I understood what you meant. I also do appreciate you mentioning the feeding of the birds to me. I will check with local authorities. I imagine it could be different in different areas depending on the birds, climate, etc. Thanks for your comment Jenny!

  18. Your goldfinch is a beautiful, gaudy bird. We have goldfinches here in England but they are quite different. See this link:-

    1. Thank you for the link It is good to see the different varieties of the goldfinch. Yours is beautiful too and I like the bit of red on his head.

  19. Happy Mother's Day!
    We notice the same mask/no mask mentality here. We will be staying home for a long time, let the stupid non wearing mask people die first:)

    1. Hi Connie! I hope you are having a very Happy Mother's Day! Yes, I think many of us will be living by our own common sense for a long time. Phase One of opening up begins here tomorrow but for us not much will change.

  20. Beautiful birds Bonnie! There are many selfish people around who just continue as nothing has changed. I will remain at home and take minimal risks until I am told that we have no more cases of covid-19. I may be home for quite a while!

    1. Thanks Simone! Yes, we may be staying home for quite a while. I have a feeling this will be around for a long time but I am hoping they will get a vaccine that will help to control it. Take care Simone!

  21. Your bird pictures are just beautiful! So happy you are seeing the hummingbirds again too. We are not in the best health, so we are being extra careful but still "trying" to do what is necessary.

    1. I understand. This pandemic has not been easy for any of us. Tom and I are both over 65 and have some health issues that make us high risk. We wear masks when we go out but still these are sure uncertain times.


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