Hello! Most of you will remember that I took time
off from blogging to better adjust to some life changes. Tom had been having many health problems and we
were not doing well with the necessary adjustments in our life. I had hoped I would be able to get more
accomplished in regard to these changes if I took a couple of months off from
blogging. Unfortunately, things don’t
always work out like you plan.
A lot has
been happening in these last few months.
Tom’s balance problems continued and he started to have falls on a regular
basis. Last month he had a bad fall
hitting his head. He was really banged
up and of course head wounds tend to bleed a lot. My son and I took him to the emergency room
and he was admitted to the hospital.
He had a CT scan, MRI, and x-rays.
Thankfully the tests were all clear.
Still, he was kept in the hospital for four days at the end of which they
admitted him to a rehab facility for ten days of occupational and physical
therapy. He came home a couple of weeks
ago and now has weekly visits from a home health nurse, occupational therapist, and physical therapist. His balance is
still bad so at the doctor’s suggestion we purchased a walker for him. Not something he wanted but those falls are
just too dangerous. So now we are
essentially starting over with his physical condition but we are staying
positive about it all.
I celebrated
my 70th birthday in August and since then my health has continued to
throw me hoops to jump through. I had my
annual mammogram and a nodule was found that was concerning. They now have me coming in every six months for a
scan in order to check for changes. Then I had a fall that sent me to the
emergency room with possible broken ribs. I lucked out and they were just
bruised. (I’m clumsy at times!) Before that was completely healed, I began
having gallbladder problems eventually leading to surgery. I discovered having your gallbladder removed
can bring challenges in your diet but I’m working on adjusting. I was just healing up from that when I got
hit with a bad case of RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus). It has been going around here quite badly
with the hospitals full. My body still
was not ready to give me a break because I then had to have a questionable
growth removed from my face and sent in for a biopsy. I was fortunate and it was benign! I’m really not telling you all this to
complain but more to fill you in on what has been going on in the last few
months. I so wanted to get back to
blogging much sooner but things have just been crazy around here!
The past few
months have taught me a lot about myself and how I handle challenges. I’ve always been good at managing whatever
life throws at me but I’ve discovered the older you get the more difficult some
situations can become. I’ve also learned
that sometimes (actually much of the time) I just can’t get everything
accomplished that I would like and that’s okay.
More importantly, I am learning to bend with the wind and try not to let
it break me.
Thank you if
you’ve stayed with me this long. I sure
have missed everyone and look forward to catching up with you all.
Zeus |
These two sweet cats have definitely brought a lot of joy and love to us over the past months!